2011-12 Original Six Winter Hockey    (octubre de 2011)
2011-12 Original Six Winter Hockey Standings
  GP  W  L  T  OTL  PTS  GF  GA  GD Calendar Sync
Chicago 251870238926428
Boston 25151002321019011
Toronto 251411012990864
Detroit 25121303278192-11
New York 25817052197104-7
Montreal 2581702187499-25
2011-12 Original Six Winter Hockey Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
jue-oct 13   Toronto 4 - 3 OT Chicago Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-oct 13   Montreal 3 - 4 OT Detroit Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-oct 13   New York 2 - 4 Boston Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-oct 26   Detroit 0 - 3 Toronto Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-oct 27   Chicago 4 - 5 OT Boston Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-oct 27   Montreal 5 - 4 OT New York Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-nov 9   Boston 2 - 1 Toronto Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-nov 10   Chicago 4 - 2 Montreal Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-nov 10   Detroit 6 - 4 New York Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-nov 16   New York 4 - 7 Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-nov 17   Boston 7 - 3 Montreal Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-nov 17   Detroit 2 - 3 OT Chicago Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-nov 23   Toronto 8 - 1 Montreal Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-nov 24   Boston 3 - 0 Detroit Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-nov 24   New York 1 - 3 Chicago Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-nov 30   Toronto 4 - 2 Chicago Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-dic 1   Detroit 3 - 2 Montreal Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-dic 1   Boston 5 - 6 OT New York Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-dic 7   Toronto 2 - 7 Detroit Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-dic 8   New York 2 - 3 OT Montreal Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-dic 8   Boston 4 - 2 Chicago Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-dic 14   Toronto 6 - 8 Boston Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-dic 15   New York 5 - 6 Detroit Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-dic 15   Montreal 2 - 4 Chicago Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-dic 21   Toronto 0 - 9 New York Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-dic 22   Chicago 3 - 1 Detroit Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-dic 22   Montreal 4 - 3 OT Boston Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-dic 28   Toronto 5 - 2 Montreal Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-dic 29   Chicago 2 - 1 New York Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-dic 29   Detroit 2 - 3 OT Boston Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-ene 4   Toronto 2 - 1 Chicago Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-ene 5   Boston 2 - 7 New York Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-ene 5   Detroit 3 - 0 Montreal Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-ene 11   Toronto 1 - 4 Detroit Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-ene 12   New York 4 - 1 Montreal Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-ene 12   Boston 3 - 2 Chicago Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-ene 18   Toronto 6 - 3 Boston Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-ene 19   Montreal 0 - 6 Chicago Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-ene 19   New York 9 - 3 Detroit Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-ene 25   Toronto 2 - 4 New York Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-ene 26   Montreal 3 - 4 Boston Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-ene 26   Chicago 5 - 0 Detroit Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-feb 1   Toronto 0 - 4 Montreal Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-feb 2   Chicago 4 - 3 OT New York Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-feb 2   Detroit 5 - 7 Boston Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-feb 8   Chicago 3 - 2 Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-feb 9   Montreal 2 - 4 Detroit Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-feb 9   New York 0 - 7 Boston Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-feb 15   Detroit 0 - 6 Toronto Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-feb 16   Chicago 5 - 1 Boston Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-feb 16   Montreal 2 - 5 New York Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-feb 22   Boston 2 - 7 Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-feb 23   Detroit 6 - 5 OT New York Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-feb 23   Chicago 7 - 5 Montreal Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-feb 29   New York 3 - 4 OT Toronto Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-mar 1   Boston 6 - 2 Montreal Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-mar 1   Detroit 5 - 6 OT Chicago Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-mar 7   Montreal 6 - 0 Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-mar 8   New York 5 - 6 Chicago Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-mar 8   Boston 7 - 3 Detroit Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-mar 14   Chicago 3 - 2 Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-mar 15   Montreal 1 - 4 Detroit Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-mar 15   New York 2 - 5 Boston Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-mar 21   Detroit 3 - 4 Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-mar 22   Chicago 2 - 1 Boston Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-mar 22   Montreal 3 - 4 OT New York Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-mar 28   Boston 3 - 5 Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-mar 29   Chicago 2 - 8 Montreal Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-mar 29   Detroit 5 - 2 New York Complete South Rink Regular 
mié-abr 4   New York 6 - 7 Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-abr 5   Detroit 1 - 4 Chicago Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-abr 5   Boston 4 - 7 Montreal Complete North Rink Regular 
mié-abr 11   Montreal 3 - 2 OT Toronto Complete North Rink Regular 
jue-abr 12   New York 0 - 6 Chicago Complete South Rink Regular 
jue-abr 12   Boston 2 - 4 Detroit Complete South Rink Regular 
Player Stats
 EquipoJugador#Games PlayedGoalAssistPoints
1New YorkEric Boissonneault 20251641
2DetroitBil Monk 24201939
3Torontozac hall 22231437
4TorontoKevin Lemieux 21201737
5ChicagoSteve Duncan 18171835
6MontrealGideon Kubassek 23121830
7ChicagoShawn Kraus 20141630
8DetroitSean Monk 24141529
9BostonJeffrey Barker 20131629
10MontrealTHOMAS BORBELY 2016925
11TorontoJason Strome 19111021
12New YorkDanny Stevenson 2011920
13ChicagoMatt Briden  2081018
14MontrealMicha Kubassek 2341317
15ChicagoDerek Lapp 1761016
16ChicagoJamie Boudreau 1961016
17ChicagoMarc Simard 1110616
18BostonDavid Beaudoin 189716
19New YorkBrandon Eichler 2051015
20New YorkGarth Marenick 226814
21DetroitPeter Hagerman 126814
22BostonTim Vanderwelle 165914
23ChicagoMatt Fraser 218513
24BostonJared Ehgoetz 157613
25BostonBruce Tunncliffe 155813
26TorontoDavid Alexander 225712
27BostonMike Gawel 199312
28MontrealNathan Brownlee 235611
29MontrealTim Schmidt 196511
30New YorkRichard Hayes 207411
31DetroitJefferson Murray 155611
32MontrealJames Gunn 226410
33New YorkWalt Hrelja 147310
34New YorkRick Bongers 103710
35DetroitMARTIN VAZAC 184610
36DetroitJames Tchegus 184610
37TorontoPeter Stechlinski 19459
38DetroitMark Bryson 20279
39DetroitWilliam Cober 21729
40DetroitAndrew Sallans 21279
41BostonNathan Lichti 17369
42BostonTom Gawel 23459
43TorontoBrian Vaz 17718
44TorontoChris Carignan 21178
45DetroitJonathan Monk 15538
46BostonMason Tucker 18448
47ChicagoMatt Fagel 11437
48ChicagoJake Copson 14347
49New YorkD'Arcy Johnston 13347
50Montrealjamie pynn 21246
51BostonDavid Wade 18336
52New YorkTrevor White 16145
53TorontoKyle Bouchard 19134
54MontrealTyler Rathwell 20224
55MontrealTyler Auger 8314
56MontrealPaul Sadhra 18134
57New YorkRick Andernacht 16044
58DetroitSteve Gulyas 18224
59BostonCory Wilson 11224
60New YorkCassy Bridge 10033
61BostonIan Shaughnessy 13123
62TorontoChris OVER 19112
63New YorkMark Irvine 14112
64TorontoJamie Dick 15011
65TorontoWilliam Ngo 9101
66ChicagoMike Smith 14101
67BostonLance Beswetherick 8011
68TorontoDenny Saunders 17000
69MontrealStephen Thomson 11000
70ChicagoArmy DiPietro 4000
71New YorkTony Pettifer 5000
72DetroitScott Wiles 10000
73BostonMatthew Gardner 6000
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Men's 18 & up
Division: "C" Division
Sport: Ice Hockey (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 10/13/2011
End Date: 4/25/2012
Status: Complete
Team Fee:
PlayerFee: $450.00
Other Fee Info: Must be paid in full upon registration / goalie fee $225 / All prices include HST
More Info: League games will be played once a week either Wednesday or Thursday evenings / ZERO Tolerance Hockey League: Any major penalty will result in league expulsion